[COLLECTION] Fiche Objet

Ajouté le 12/01/2010
Genre : Electronique
Disque (CD/DVD/BluRay/Musique téléchargée)


When life gets you down
When the world eats you up
When all hope is lost
When you run out of luck

When friends pass you by
When love seems to die
When pain is all you know
When time moves so slow

Smile Inside
Just trust yourself to Smile Inside

Smile inside
It's not too late to Smile Inside

When the doors are slammed shut
When they can't hear you scream
When there's gold in the pot
When there's no point to the dream

Smile Inside
just trust yourself to Smile Inside

Smile inside
It's not too late to Smile Inside

(p) 2009 OGP Phonogramatica
(c) 2009 Music & Lyrics CoLD SToRAGE / Tim Wright

This song was composed in September 2009. At the time I was very low, sad and depressed. My personal life wasn't exactly in good shape, so I turned to music. This time, just for me.

This song really helped me, and I wanted to share it with the World, and what better place than YouTube?

I've had e-mails and Facebook messages from people telling me that this song has helped them too... and if it can make anyone feel better about themselves then that's truly wonderful.

Take care, and live life to the full!

CoLD SToRAGE : Singles 2009
1x le 10/06/2021

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