[COLLECTION] Fiche Objet

Listes Playdate :
Ajouté le 21/07/2023
Genre : Shoot'em Up



Made by Yoyogi Games

Experience three stages of thrilling action, heart-pounding music, and score-chasing-delight as you navigate your way through intricate bullet patterns and larger-than-life bosses. Dodge, attack, survive! Pushing the system to its limits, Gun Trails runs at the device's maximum display speed, can you keep up?

Support for network based scores so you can protect the trails and one-up your friends!

⚠️ Note for PC streaming

We recommend capturing via a camera rather than with the Mirror app, due to some performance issues in Mirror. For those that want to use Mirror, there is a setting which will allow the game to run more smoothly, at the cost of some fidelity.

To activate this, from the main menu press the system menu button > options > streamer mode.



Playdate : Gun Trails
2x entre le 22/07/2023 et le 23/07/2023

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